Prayerful and
Courageous Conversations
The Invitation
As Columban lay missionaries “we strive to be catalysts of transformation in building God’s Reign” as we continue to discern the movement of the Holy Spirit in the signs of the times and the life of the Church.
Change is happening all around us: in Creation, in our world, in our Church during this time of synodality, and within CLM. There are feelings of hope, gratitude, uncertainty, anxiety and fear as we face change within CLM and our new emerging reality. We have not had a sending orientation program for several years; and so, our numbers have not increased. However, it is not just about numbers. It is also about leadership and especially the courage and imagination we need as leaders. The world needs leaders and we are all called to be leaders, all of us.
Pope Francis is a leader for our time. With his documents he has helped us to see a new faith emerging within us. The invisible God is now visible in every step of our journey, every day of our lives. Revelation is about how to see everything in a delightfully renewed way, using the most divine gift of God’s imagination now incarnate in all of us. If we want to, we can awaken our heart and soul to this innate imagination. We can affirm our creativity. Pope Francis is encouraging us to go deeper within, to use our prayer skills and imagination, and to notice what Creation is saying to us.
The CLM Discernment Process enabled us to shift from our own personal and RMU context into a wider and collective awareness. The process of personal reflection, communal discernment, and mutual dialogue encouraged us to engage actively in a synodal process for CLM.
For the period of the next number of months leading up to our CLM International Meeting in January 2023, we invite you to engage in a process of Prayerful and Courageous Conversations. This period will be the first phase of the CLM International Meeting. The Prayerful and Courageous Conversations is a process of deepening our discernment around the issues that came forth from the CLM Discernment. Through robust reflection, prayer and conversation let us continue to discern together where the Spirit is leading us as we step forward toward our new horizon. The face-to-face meeting in January/February 2024 is the second phase of the CLM International Meeting. All those attending the face-to-face meeting are expected to actively participate in the two phases of the CLM International Meeting.
Walking Together
Inspired by Pope Francis’ synodality of “a dynamism of mutual listening”, we continue to walk together through prayer, listening and conversation. For each month, starting in September, through to December, a different theme will be presented. The themes are inspired by Ted Dunn’s, The Inner Work of Transformation.
Transforming is partly a Divine Mystery, forever inscrutable and dependent upon grace. And it is partly a human mystery that we increasingly understand through an accumulation of empirical knowledge, insights from our own transformative experience and our own soul’s knowledge we come to by faith. It is this human part that depends upon our active participation, our own hard work, our willingness and ability to cooperate with grace. But how do we cooperate with grace? How do we dispose ourselves to the workings of grace? (The Inner Work of Transformation, Ted Dunn)
Similar to the process we engaged in during the CLM Discernment, there will be time for individual prayer, reflection and journaling. Once a month we will meet online for prayer and conversations which will be facilitated by our LM Facilitators.
Steps in the Process

Step 1: Personal reflection, prayer, journaling and walking with your God
Reflect on the assigned theme and meditative materials. The themes are intended to invite your spiritual and emotional growth in whatever way, at whatever starting point, and into whatever depth, you choose.
Spend time dwelling in deep prayer and reflection. Let your thoughts, feelings and images emerge. Give it time. Let the reflections, quotes and questions sink into your soul. This is a process that unfolds over time, so return to the same reflections on more than one occasion. Journal your responses by letting your words flow or draw the images that capture your thoughts and feelings. If journaling takes you beyond the specific questions, then go there. Above all, be honest and real.
Step 2: Communal session and Courageous Conversations Circles
Your spiritual journey is personal as well as relational. Bring your reflections to the online communal sessions and share them in your small group – your Courageous Conversations Circle. The intimacy of this exercise is a powerful means for building community. Listen deeply and walk this Emmaus journey together. Your assigned Courageous Conversations Circle will be your group for the duration of this phase one process.
Online Gatherings: September 20th | October 19th | November 16th | December 14th
The Facilitators of the CLM Discernment will also facilitate the online gatherings. As usual, to facilitate personnel in the different time zones there will be two sessions on each of the scheduled days, 9:00 AM Hong Kong Time and 5:00 PM Hong Kong Time. You will be assigned to one of the two sessions. Each session will be for two hours. You are invited to set aside two hours away from your ministry and other responsibilities to engage in the online communal session.
Guide for Courageous Conversation Circles
Take a minute to introduce yourselves and then quietly settle into creating a sacred space for sharing
Nominate or select a Facilitator, Timekeeper and Recorder. (Over the course of the four online gatherings you will take turns in these roles)
The questions for reflection and sharing will be presented. Take 2 minutes for personal prayer on the presented questions
Share your reflections from your journal. Each person will have 3-5 minutes to share
After everyone has shared, take 2 minutes of silence to recollect what you have heard others share
Each person will have 2 minutes to reflect back what they heard in the group. (This is not a time for individuals to share more of their own personal reflections but rather to voice what they have heard others share in the group)
Open discussion for 5 minutes. This is the time to seek any needed clarifications for deeper understanding, and to affirm the similarities and differences in what has been shared within the group
Take 10 minutes to record your group’s insights using the Google Form. Be clear and concrete in what you record, while honouring those who wish to keep their personal stories private. (The record will not refer to the names of individuals in your group)
With God’s guidance, strength and support may we open our heart, our mind and our will to engage in this synodal dialogue thus enabling us to grow closer as CLM and nurture the spirit of community. May God fill us with grace, as we reflect, listen, dialogue and so deepen our commitment to God’s mission.