It is with great joy that, on behalf of the Steering Committee, the ex-officio and delegate members of the GA, including the outgoing and incoming CLMCLT, the General Assembly 2024, after a period of prolonged discernment, prayer and “Conversations in the Spirit”, have elected Peter O’Neill (presently, the Regional Director of Oceania ) to the role of Society Vicar for a period of 6 years.
In his words of acknowledgement to the Assembly, he thanked all those present for their trust and support for him. He said he intends to be a good support for the newly elected Society Leader, Andrei Paz.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose Feastday we today celebrate guide and strengthen you,
Arlenne Villahermoso, on behalf of the Secretariate of GA 2024.
Read the offical letter here.