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GA reaches out via Online Conversations in the Spirit.

Paula and Jamie Sgherza

Over 60 participants joined the General Assembly participants for the first Online Conversations in the Spirit today. General Assembly participants said that they felt really supported, and many of the outside participants were happy for the opportunity to join into these conversations about personal transformation.

Some comments from the sessions

"While, when we are in the process of going through a radical transformation it feels really painful and even isolating, once we let go and embrace change we realise that it's 'not the end of the world'. It is good to advise ourselves that it is not just about 'me' but that every decision is about 'us' -it's about the commitment we made at aggregation to be obedient in responding to the needs of the Society."

"Recognise too that such radical honesty will be deeply emotional, and shifting deep emotional patterns can be exhausting.  So expect it to be draining, tiring, but the return at the end far outweighs the cost.  Don't be afraid to go into the depths, because the deeper you go, the higher you will rise."

"A common theme in our group was the stimulus for the radical transformation we experienced, came from outside of ourselves e.g. request from superior for change etc. Left to ourselves we probably would not have done it, and the transformation would not have happened."

In terms of the GA, the personal transformation needed must come from the oft quoted phrase, that we cannot go on as we are, change has to happen.

"A radical transformation needs an important initial decision but it can only come to fruition if there is a supportive environment in which others participate."

"Radical transformation requires honesty, facing reality, not fudging or blurring, but being really honest and truthful."

"There is a personal pain of letting go for the common good of the Society and mission. hold on to the small blessings that do come through the pain of letting go and the difficulty of transformation. Be patient with self and each other. Praying for you all at the GA."


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